Start your routine

If you're looking for more energy, more joy, more time in your day, you've come to the right place. We have tried every wellness, self help, good-for-you thing in the book (okay, almost every) and we've returned to a methodology of simplicity. All you need to do to change your life is change your routine. A few simple, intentional acts throughout your day will change the way you work, the way you rest, and the way you feel. Slow food, mindful practices, body care... these are all tools we can use to slow down and come back to the present moment.

It's not about the product, it's about the practice. That's where the magic happens. So whether it's putting on body oil or cleaning off your kitchen counters, these daily routines become a chance to infuse your day with mindfulness and intention. Over time, this practice leads you to a way of life that feels refreshing and keeps you focused on what fuels you.

We've gathered our favorite low-waste tools for a refreshing morning, a good night's sleep and a tidy home. Explore the collections and find your new ritual within. 

Build a more energizing morning routine

Start the morning fresh with a few simple steps that set the tone for your day. Start by freshening up with a little sustainable skincare, fix yourself a beverage and fill out your to do list. Shop our miracle morning routine.

Refresh your cleaning routine

Detox your cleaning supply kit with our Swedish dish cloths, French inspired dish soap blocks and recycled soap trays. Get inspired with our zero waste cleaning essentials.

Invest in rest - a calming evening routine

Simple but effective ways to wind down - clay cleansing bars for washing your face, hand lotion to keep by your bedside and our best selling reusable eye masks. Find the perfect night time routine here.